What does Recce mean?

Recce: Focus on the importance of the location search

Ever heard of "recce"? It may sound strange, but this term, which comes from the English language, has become firmly established in productions and transforms a simple location scout into a recce.

Also known as a tech scout - the American version of site inspection - various terms and their abbreviations circulate, depending on the purpose, type of production and place of origin. Despite this variety, all of these terms have a common goal: to facilitate pre-production, planning, organization and minimize unpleasant surprises due to insufficient preparation during filming or photo shoots.

Exploring the origins: What's behind the term "recce"?

It's simple. "Recce" is short for "reconnaissance" and although it was originally a military term for reconnaissance, it has found its place in the film and media industry. Pronounced as [Rekki], it has become a fundamental part of site reconnaissance.

Common terms for recce:

Pre-inspection, inspection, motif tour, location check, motif check, tech scout or technical scouting, tech recce or site survey, location recce 

Why go to all this trouble for a recce and who takes part?

In order to get to know a location and all its characteristics, location scouts, productions or clients arrange a recce appointment with the location provider, owner or landlord during the preparation phase, pre-production of a film or photo shoot. If the location has already been selected as a motif, 3 recce appointments are not unusual for large film productions. In this case, various departments such as scouting and location management, production management and production, the production design department, set design, set construction and creation with AD, the technicians for image and sound and, of course, the camera with DOP and director arrive at the location one after the other.

The logistical, technical, design and structural conditions of a location are clarified on site: the lighting conditions, the noise and sound situations of a location and its surroundings, the existing equipment. The same applies to furnishings, style, colors, shapes, materials and, last but not least, the dimensions and location of the rooms for possible settings, camera movements and connections. Water and electricity supplies are also checked, as are sanitary facilities. All these factors are taken into account from a department-specific point of view and subjected to a comprehensive realization check. Because don't forget: every factor has an impact on a cost item that is included in the cost calculation of a production.

Do not underestimate: The production-specific requirements of a location

The surroundings of the site, the location, the region, the travel and delivery options are updated and noted during the inspection. Many questions are clarified on site:

  • Are there other required motifs nearby?
  • Is there suitable accommodation, restaurants, catering?
  • Are there easily accessible rental companies for vehicles, equipment and facilities?

  • Where is the nearest airport, train station or highway?
  • Is there a supermarket, DIY store or gas station?
  • Are there adjoining rooms for actors, team accommodation, make-up/wardrobe, storage?

Because even these seemingly simple questions quickly become a gigantic cost factor for a film production. How does the film production's large fleet of vehicles get to the location, and where do the many vehicles park? RVs, trailers, mobile homes for the main actors, the make-up and wardrobe mobile where make-up is done and where the actors can change their clothes. Where does the caterer stand with his catering mobile without causing a disturbance, and how do the shuttle vans get from the airport or hotel to the location? What floor is the location on, is there an elevator?

All these questions are clarified in the run-up to a production and have a direct impact on the production costs.

Photo productions also use viewing appointments to look at the conditions on location. Art directors and clients like to be present when it comes to viewing rooms in advance and specifying images. Photographers or their assistants take a very close look at the lighting conditions of a location: because light that is not available has to be obtained or borrowed. And natural light that disturbs must be darkened.

Recces before a booking: sensible planning for optimum conditions

Locations that are suitable for a shoot may have advantages and disadvantages. The favored locations that are already on the shortlist are therefore visited in order to find the really optimal conditions for the shoot. The most suitable motif is then selected from the remaining favorites. Very often, the recce is the prerequisite for a booking.

A recce after booking & mutual appointment is usually free of charge. There is one exception, namely if the production insists on a very specific date, but this was not offered by the subject provider. In this case, there is an expense to be able to show the location. Either in the form of a journey, in case the motif provider would not be there himself, or in the form of a substitute to be able to show the location at time X. Such expenses should be reimbursed by the production after consultation. If this expense is to be avoided, a date must be found when both parties are available and a free viewing would be possible.

The optimal preparation for a recce

Always assume that several people will be coming to your location. Keep your cell phone handy in case someone from production is late. Your contact person will get in touch with you and be available for you.

Make sure that the location is not being used during this time, that all paths are clear, that motifs are not blocked or obstructed and that all rooms and areas that you have offered for rent can be viewed. This applies to main motifs, secondary motifs as well as secondary rooms.

Valuables and very private items should be put away and the location tidied up. Bear in mind that photos will be taken to document your location, which will be immortalized in the storyboard or mood board, or a scene will already be reenacted in the living room. These photos and recordings make the rounds and are used by the team to prepare for production.

Recce of a location scout, photographer or client for the pre-selection usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour. For complex scenes where many departments have to make preparations, it can sometimes take longer. The duration of the recce also depends on how large your location is and whether only interior motifs or also the exterior of the property are inspected.

Conclusion: Location inspections under time pressure

Teams visiting locations are almost always under time pressure. Often, a motif tour with several departments is planned for one or more days, during which all locations are visited.

It may be completely superfluous to mention this, but it is a wonderful gesture to offer a team drinks and a seat - even if they will be drinking standing up due to the rush.